Ben in Asia

In which our hero leaves the town of his birth to study Development Economics and Chinese at the National University of Singapore.

Location: Washington, DC

Unintended consequences, vicious cycles, chilling effects, and counterintuition.

Friday, December 24, 2004

The First Post

Hello everyone,

I am taking off for the other side of the world on January third. I'll be attending the National University of Singapore.
If they're not lying to me, I'll be staying in Prince George's Park Residence Halls in a type A room. Please note that not only will I be in a high-tech Asian paradise, but I'll also have my own toilet for the first time in my life!

Right now, the classes I'm taking are as follows (click on them to see a description):

* Understanding Modern China Through Film

* ASEAN Economies

* Public Governance in Developing Nations

* Nation Building in Singapore

* Chinese 2

I'm pretty excited about all of them.

More later,


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